Become a part of something truly special by joining the Northern Rockies Museum of Culture and Heritage.
As a member, you'll unlock exclusive benefits, gain unlimited access to our engaging exhibits, and connect with a vibrant community passionate about preserving and celebrating our local history. With three membership tiers designed to suit every level of involvement, there's a perfect fit for everyone. Your membership not only enriches your own experience but also supports our mission to keep history alive for future generations. Join us today and enjoy a year filled with exploration, discovery, and unforgettable memories!
Membership Levels
Senior (65+) $20
Admission to the NRM for individual
Eligible to vote at general meetings
Members only events
Preview of exhibits
10% discount at museum gift shop, not including commission items
Discounts on ticketed events
Admission to the NRM for your family
Pre-registration for family related events
15% discount at museum gift shop, not including commission items
Admission to the NRM for immediate family
Pre-registration for family related events
Eligible to vote at general meetings
Members only events
Preview of exhibits
15% discount at museum gift shop, not including commission items
Discounts on ticketed events
Admission to the NRM for immediate family
Pre-registration for family related events
Eligible to vote at general meetings
Members only events
Preview of exhibits
15% discount at museum gift shop, not including commission items
Discounts on ticketed events
Your name recognized on our website, if desired
Your corporate membership helps support us with website development & maintenance, membership fees, consumables, security, volunteer/staff appreciation, and professional development.
Annual recognition in a social media posts and newspaper advertisement
Admission to the NRM for immediate family
Pre-registration for family related events
Eligible to vote at general meetings
Members only events
Preview of exhibits
15% discount at museum gift shop, not including commission items
Discounts on ticketed events
Your name recognized on our website, if desired